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The district ensures there are ample and appropriate procedures for assessments and reassessments using:

  • Group Testing
  • Individually administered tests
  • Display of work
  • Checklists

Children may be referred for assessment based on the following:

  • Child requests (self-referral)
  • Peer referral (student refers another student)
  • Parent/guardian referral
  • Teacher recommendation

A referral form may be obtained from the Director of Instruction, Gifted Coordinator, or Building Principal.

Upon completed of the referral form, Northwest Local will:

  • Secure permission from the parent/guardian for testing and schedule the testing,
  • Follow the district's process for identification,
  • Notify parents of the results of the screening or assessment within forty-five (45) days of receipt of the results,

Northwest Local School provides at least two opportunities a year for assessment in the case of student, peer, parent, or teacher requests for assessments. In accordance with test instructions, qualified personnel administer tests. 

Appeals Process

An appeal by the parent is the course of action for reconsideration of the results of any part of the identification process, placement decisions regarding student participation in any program; and/or delivery of service(s).

Parents should submit a letter to the Director of Instruction outlining the nature of the concern.  The superintendent or designee will convene a meeting with the parent/guardian, which may include other school personnel, and will issue a written final decision within 30 days of the appeal. This written notice will include the reason for the final decision(s).