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Safety and Security

District information regarding safety and security

Say Something


Northwest Local Schools

Incident Reporting Process



Generally, most reportable incidents fall into one of two categories, emergencies and non-emergencies.


  • If the matter is not an emergency, please call the appropriate building principal during the next school day to inform him/her of your concerns.
  • If the matter is an emergency (threat of violence toward the school or an individual, concern for the potential loss of live, etc.), our families can use the Say Something Anonymous Reporting System, which can be found at the link below. When deemed a life threatening situation, use of this link will very likely include communication with local law enforcement officials:



  • When in doubt, families can always call 9-1-1.

We encourage our families, parents and community members to actively communicate concerns and potential safety issues. By following the above guidelines, we can best address each issue most appropriate and more effectively. 


As always, if you have questions, please contact your building administrator.


Individuals who have questions regarding district and building safety plans should reach out to the Central Office at 330.854.2291