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Remote Learning: Information for Parents

Dear Parent(s) and Guardian(s),

Remote Learning Graphic


During the  school year, a decision may need to be made to move a classroom, grade-level, building or the entire district to remote learning based on the evolving pandemic conditions, data about the status of the pandemic, and recommendations and guidance from public health authorities.

Students who are currently learning in person in our buildings would move to a remote learning model with their instruction delivered through Google Classroom. Each building has developed a remote learning daily schedule (available in the table below). Students who selected the online learning option using Acellus will remain on that platform, nothing will change with regards to their program. 

Students will be expected to log-in daily (M-F), complete assigned work and follow their daily schedule. 

Families are encouraged to have a child care plan in place in the event that a move to remote learning occurs.


Building Remote Learning Daily Schedules and Student Expectations
Northwest High School: Grades 9-12
Northwest Middle School:  Grades 6-8
W.S. Stinson Elementary:  Grades 3-5
Northwest Primary:  Kindergarten       First Grade        Second Grade